Downtown Day – June 4, 2024
Join us on June 4 in Raleigh at the NC Legislative Building for Downtown Day. We will gather at 10am and visit with our state’s legislators to talk about the positive economic impacts that our downtowns have on our state’s economy. Please see the flyer below for more information.

Downtown Day – May 17, 2023
We will be gathering at Young Hearts Distilling for Downtown Day this year on May 17 from 5pm – 7pm for a floating reception with a brief presentation scheduled for 6pm. Please RSVP Kim Anderson.
Downtown Day – June 7, 2022

It was great to celebrate Downtown Day with our many downtown supporters in-person again. Many thanks to the NC General Assembly who helped keep our downtowns strong in 2021 by extending the State Historic Preservation Tax Credits to 2031, passing the Social District legislation, and supporting outdoor dining options during the pandemic. NCDDA leaders announced that downtown investment reached $3.3 billion over the last year. Congratulations to everyone for helping our downtowns thrive. Let’s keep the momentum going!
RE-IMAGINE – August 31, 2021
On Tuesday, August 31, NCDDA met in Raleigh at the North Carolina General Assembly to share our recent publication titled RE-IMAGINE, with members of the House of Representatives and Senate. RE-IMAGINE focuses on the success of the State Historic Tax Credit program in downtowns across our state. Please thank your elected officials for supporting this incredible program. It is not only an important economic development tool for our downtowns, it also helps preserve the some of our most treasured historic and cultural assets.
NCDDA Members at the NC Legislative Building
5th Annual Downtown Day – May 21, 2019
We had a great 5th Annual Downtown Day at the Raleigh Times. Thank you to everyone who attended. We celebrated the $2.3 Billion in downtown investment across North Carolina. Please review the 2018-2019 report by clicking here.
4th Annual Downtown Day – March 28, 2018
Thank you to all who attended the 4th annual Downtown Day in Raleigh. We were able to meet with legislators and thank them for their support of downtowns across the state. We had just over 120 attend the event. Please view the 2016-17 Downtown Impact Report by clicking here.
3rd Annual Downtown Day – May 17, 2017
The third annual Downtown Day was a huge success this year in Raleigh. Building upon the foundation of the previous downtown days, the Board of Directors set higher aspirations for Downtown Day this year and it paid off. As many of you have heard by now, our Downtown Day event attracted well over 200 people. Wilbur’s BBQ was served on the Halifax Mall in near perfect weather conditions, which helped!
A check from NCDDA representing the annual economic impact of our downtown’s in the amount of $1.455 Billion was presented to the Lieutenant Governor, Dan Forest by Diane Young, Julie Metz and Zack Matheny. The Lieutenant Governor remarked about the importance of our downtown’s to the State’s economy followed by Representative Jon Bell, who echoed the Lieutenant Governor’s comments, sharing his personal experiences being part of downtown revitalization and growth in Goldsboro.